Hotel deals from Merano/Meran which will thrill you

Our best deals

Our hotel deals from Merano/Meran will sweep you off your feet. Let us inspire you and book your dream holiday in our stylish accommodation in Merano Maia Alta/Meran Obermais. We are looking forward to you and, at special request, design an individual offer just for you!

Our hotel also welcomes groups. Our accommodation in Merano/Meran offers 25 double and 4 single rooms, a free parking place for busses, nearby the hotel, a discount when staying more than 3 days and one free place for every 20 paying guest. Furthermore, there is the possibility to use our seminar rooms, the house chapel and a separate restaurant hall.

  • Culinary moments in Merano

  • Culinary moments in Merano

Bistro & Restaurant

Every time a pleasure! In our historic yet modern restaurant you are welcome anytime.


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